
2024-06-08 07:41:03 高一作文












我们所惧怕的“奥数、英文、周树人”恰恰是需要我们进行长时间、深度思考的。但如今的中学生早已被家庭、社会圈养成一个个只知享乐、不会思考的 “沙发人”。现盛行的娱乐节目一步步地蚕食着青少年走向勇于探索的好奇心,一步步地引导者青少年走向仅仅满足于大脑皮层微量兴奋的深渊。想想古时“闻鸡起 舞”的志士,“头悬梁,锥刺股”的学子,还有“凿壁偷光”的读书人,他们抛却惰性思维,勇于向课本中艰深难懂的知识发起挑战,终将难以降服的知识收入囊 中。“奥数、英文、周树人”,确有难以接受之处,但如果我们能破除惰性思维,征服这一切自然不在话下。


“师者,所以传道授业解惑也。”韩愈一语点破老师的作用。著名英语专家俞敏洪[微博]在创立“新东方”初期,便坚持“新东方式教授方式”,并规定所有新 进老师,必须经过培训才能上岗。这是因为俞敏洪知道,只有正确的教学之道,才能让学生真正爱上英语,只知道照着教辅念,不注重教学方法,无法让学生打开知 识这扇大门,最终让学生对知识感到恐惧。























































篇7: 高一英语周记800字

after the examination, i think that although my academic achievements are not so good, i know that my parents and teachers have great expectations for me. i failed in the exam again, and i got a terrible exam (math second). the teacher sent the exam paper down. i scanned it carefully. the main reason for it is carelessness and carelessness. if you make a mistake, you should correct it. therefore, through this examination, i also have a lot of thought, and then we must correct my study attitude and develop good study habits.

first of all, i want to get rid of the bad habit of doing the subject carefully. sometimes i tend to look at the subject of the first half, began to answer the questions, the result is give an irrelevant answer. this may be related to some other learning skills. in short, you will carefully the problem in the process of careful reading, the subject of sights, see. when you finish the problem, you should check it several times and never allow yourself to make a similar mistake again. secondly, the most important is to strengthen the language, mathematics, english three major courses of study. on weekdays everyone gets together to do the same problem. i think i can do it. but once the topic changed a little, i wouldn't do it. i finally understand: in fact, i do not really really understand it, maybe sometimes happen to do the right thing. i can't allow myself to continue this way again, so i must work harder to catch up with other students. learn lessons, prepare for the exam, and lay a good foundation.

i believe that the will of the will have a good result in the next exam. the skill of learning lies in constant practice. in my life, i need to strengthen my practice and review, make a detailed review plan before the exam, and no longer rush around and have no direction. in daily life learning, we should learn to think independently. i hope that the teacher will not lose confidence in me, although i do not have an ideal test this time, but i believe in myself. i have to try my best to disappoint my teacher.

篇8: 高一英语周记800字

you will be surprised to see this topic. how can god give us a holiday gift? let me tell you! what i call god's gift to us is “heavy snow”. now let me introduce you to you.

today, we've got a very big snow here, and it's going to be the next one. what's even more strange is that the snow is big and a little little, and i don't know what it is. i unwittingly looked into the distance and saw the heavy snow covered with the yellow grass, the high roof... the earth was full of white.

i stretched out my hand to catch a piece of snow. the snowflakes fell on my hands. when i watched them carefully, i saw that they didn't have six petals as the books mentioned above, some like triangles, and some like squares. i can think of is to fail, do not want to catch snowflakes come to see.

at this time, i saw the first grade children in snow above snowball fights. it's fun! i also want to play, but i think the teacher told us not to play in the snow in the morning class. so, i had to stand upstairs and see them playing with snow. at this time, my heart has been flying to the playground, in the snow... later, i thought that in the afternoon, a few of us would go downstairs to do a guide for the first grade children, so i could play with the kids in the first grade at that time. yes, that's the way!

in the afternoon, i asked a few students to go downstairs together and play the snow with students in the first grade. we only had a few moments of snow and went back to their classrooms and helped them to make up the class. it was a short time, but i was still very happy.

i also very much imagine that foreigners have christmas, with santa claus giving us some gifts. how i think!

篇9: 高一英语周记800字

the boat of life is rootless; life is a river, undercurrents, the life of the sky, signs of danger appearing everywhere; mostly cloudy, lighting accompanied by peals of thunder. is your dying new one eroded by the anxious opium? in the world, there is a panacea that can save you, that is to smile.

this morning, i dragged a heavy body, face heavy mouth, like lead heavy hanging, i tried to get rid of the shackles, but i cannot, like the sun is overcast.

the first lesson, my eyes kept to be drowsy, eye teacher saw, with the suddenness of a thunderbolt, the chalk head to my head, playing a. a criticism came down to his face, “you give me out! class so not serious, give me reflection on reflection! ” i heard, sleepwalking, mechanically out of the classroom.

it is to smell the flowers, i slowly close your eyes, remember what happened last night: i am in the operation of the pacific ocean, desperately pull, is his head, parents shed in the atlantic, let me sink again. when i tried to escape, the parents were not idle, scolded by gab. as i write, listen, i'm too busy to attend to all, i do not know how long before i sleep. how can it be enough to ask such a “lot” of sleep time?

this is the first time that i was severely criticized by the teacher. i don't know how to go back to the classroom and how to face the eyes of the students.

after class, i lowered my head and was called into the office by the class teacher.

the teacher's words stirred my shame. “how can you be?” are you still the indefatigable wang wenjian? “ yes, the long march, only walked a little on the road, complain incessantly? i haven't lost two words in my dictionary. if i were to beat the next moment, covered all over with cuts and bruises, i also want to look up, smile to greet the eyes of others.

i stood outside, adjusted my breath, then gently pushed the door open and walked in. the students looked at me with a surprise, and found that i walked in with a smile.

since i have to put on a long face of no avail, encourage yourself with a smile. i want to look at the side of the students appreciate the vision, i would eagerly look forward to embrace those problems, when the problem is i 11 when i heard myself smoothly done or easily solved, a little laughter.

篇10: 高一英语周记800字

a happy and short winter vacation slipped away from us quietly, and we ushered in a new semester. the interesting things happened in winter vacation is like the stars in the sky. there are countless things that i can't erase in my mind. every star is shining, and every past is unforgettable.

during the winter vacation, my father and i went out on a plane trip. a very interesting thing happened on the plane. when i thought about it, i could not help laughing.

the flight took off less than half an hour ago, and the crew began to rush to work. they just served the drinks to the passengers, followed by hot towels, and then began to serve for dinner.

because of the long journey, long flight time and dinner, many passengers take off their shoes, cover their blankets, close their eyes, and sleep. i was sitting on the plane, watching all the fresh, little sleepy, and looking out of the window from time to time.

dad sleep wake up to go to the toilet, when coming back, can be the death of me. originally, the airplane jolted. the shoes that the passengers took off under the chair were in the wrong place. when dad woke up, he was daunted, his left foot wearing his black shoes, and his right foot wearing others' blue shoes. he didn't know it all. he sat on the chair and slept again. i kept smiling and said to my father, ”dad, lookatyourshoes!“ dad opened his eyes and did not help laughing.

we both looked around for a long time, and i didn't find the shoe. can shoes still fly? i am wondering, sitting in front of my father, a foreigner, coming out of the toilet opposite to me. i can see that my intestines are going to be broken by music. she wore a blue leather shoe on her left foot and a black leather shoe on her right foot. my father asked me what i was laughing at, and i wanted to tell dad, but i want to see how the ”sketch“ ends, so i said to my dad, ”okay, okay, then go to bed.“

after such a stir, dad had no sleepiness, the shoes could not be found, open the spotlight on the seat, and read the book. i covered my mouth and quietly watched the move of the old foreigner in the front row.

篇11: 高一英语周记800字

the report card was sent down today. i thought it would be a good test. but, you see, all three subjects had more than 80 points. i was so surprised that i was at a loss.

back home, i didn't even tell my parents about my own grades. i had to rethink myself in the room. is it my own belief that every exam is excellent, so proud? is it that no one is reviewing before the exam? is it my attitude to learning?

no, it isn't. after my reflection, i know: before the test, should be refreshed and calm deep breathing exercises. in the exam, should stabilize the emotions, to the clear meaning, to evade the crucial point. when the problem is difficult to write first, first write what you will write, so save time. to learn to use reasoning skillfully and to use formula reasoning methods, it is not easy to make mistakes. after examination, never answer the answer to others. you should use the memory method of location plus association. the highest score of your test may reach 98 points, and the lowest score is more than 80 points.

yes, if i do in accordance with the above requirements, i can not be able to do well? if i work hard to learn, will it be sad in the future?

no, i can't, i decide to start all over again. i won't quit. after this reflection, i understand that the best honor is to work hard on my own hard work.































































































真理归真理,但真理不是每个人都做得到的,就像牛顿坐在树下能被苹果砸到,而我在树下就只有接鸟粪的份儿一样.所以有时候追求真理是要有点技巧的.老师们说了--不加“们”不行,因为每个老师的话都像大家互相串通好的一样.老师们说了,高中学习要有四个必要步骤:1 课前预习,2 上课认真听,3 课后复习,4 做作业.






篇16: 高一英语周记800字

a happy and short winter vacation slipped away from us quietly, and we ushered in a new semester. the interesting things happened in winter vacation is like the stars in the sky. there are countless things that i cant erase in my mind. every star is shining, and every past is unforgettable.

during the winter vacation, my father and i went out on a plane trip. a very interesting thing happened on the plane. when i thought about it, i could not help laughing.

the flight took off less than half an hour ago, and the crew began to rush to work. they just served the drinks to the passengers, followed by hot towels, and then began to serve for dinner.

because of the long journey, long flight time and dinner, many passengers take off their shoes, cover their blankets, close their eyes, and sleep. i was sitting on the plane, watching all the fresh, little sleepy, and looking out of the window from time to time.

dad sleep wake up to go to the toilet, when coming back, can be the death of me. originally, the airplane jolted. the shoes that the passengers took off under the chair were in the wrong place. when dad woke up, he was daunted, his left foot wearing his black shoes, and his right foot wearing others blue shoes. he didnt know it all. he sat on the chair and slept again. i kept smiling and said to my father, ”dad, lookatyourshoes!“ dad opened his eyes and did not help laughing.

we both looked around for a long time, and i didnt find the shoe. can shoes still fly? i am wondering, sitting in front of my father, a foreigner, coming out of the toilet opposite to me. i can see that my intestines are going to be broken by music. she wore a blue leather shoe on her left foot and a black leather shoe on her right foot. my father asked me what i was laughing at, and i wanted to tell dad, but i want to see how the ”sketch“ ends, so i said to my dad, ”okay, okay, then go to bed.“

after such a stir, dad had no sleepiness, the shoes could not be found, open the spotlight on the seat, and read the book. i covered my mouth and quietly watched the move of the old foreigner in the front row.

篇17: 高一英语周记800字

you will be surprised to see this topic. how can god give us a holiday gift? let me tell you! what i call gods gift to us is ”heavy snow“. now let me introduce you to you.

today, weve got a very big snow here, and its going to be the next one. whats even more strange is that the snow is big and a little little, and i dont know what it is. i unwittingly looked into the distance and saw the heavy snow covered with the yellow grass, the high roof... the earth was full of white.

i stretched out my hand to catch a piece of snow. the snowflakes fell on my hands. when i watched them carefully, i saw that they didnt have six petals as the books mentioned above, some like triangles, and some like squares. i can think of is to fail, do not want to catch snowflakes come to see.

at this time, i saw the first grade children in snow above snowball fights. its fun! i also want to play, but i think the teacher told us not to play in the snow in the morning class. so, i had to stand upstairs and see them playing with snow. at this time, my heart has been flying to the playground, in the snow... later, i thought that in the afternoon, a few of us would go downstairs to do a guide for the first grade children, so i could play with the kids in the first grade at that time. yes, thats the way!

in the afternoon, i asked a few students to go downstairs together and play the snow with students in the first grade. we only had a few moments of snow and went back to their classrooms and helped them to make up the class. it was a short time, but i was still very happy.

i also very much imagine that foreigners have christmas, with santa claus giving us some gifts. how i think!

篇18: 高一英语周记800字

the boat of life is rootless; life is a river, undercurrents, the life of the sky, signs of danger appearing everywhere; mostly cloudy, lighting accompanied by peals of thunder. is your dying new one eroded by the anxious opium? in the world, there is a panacea that can save you, that is to smile.

this morning, i dragged a heavy body, face heavy mouth, like lead heavy hanging, i tried to get rid of the shackles, but i cannot, like the sun is overcast.

the first lesson, my eyes kept to be drowsy, eye teacher saw, with the suddenness of a thunderbolt, the chalk head to my head, playing a. a criticism came down to his face, ”you give me out! class so not serious, give me reflection on reflection! “ i heard, sleepwalking, mechanically out of the classroom.

it is to smell the flowers, i slowly close your eyes, remember what happened last night: i am in the operation of the pacific ocean, desperately pull, is his head, parents shed in the atlantic, let me sink again. when i tried to escape, the parents were not idle, scolded by gab. as i write, listen, im too busy to attend to all, i do not know how long before i sleep. how can it be enough to ask such a ”lot“ of sleep time?

this is the first time that i was severely criticized by the teacher. i dont know how to go back to the classroom and how to face the eyes of the students.

after class, i lowered my head and was called into the office by the class teacher.

the teachers words stirred my shame. ”how can you be?“ are you still the indefatigable wang wenjian? ” yes, the long march, only walked a little on the road, complain incessantly? i havent lost two words in my dictionary. if i were to beat the next moment, covered all over with cuts and bruises, i also want to look up, smile to greet the eyes of others.

i stood outside, adjusted my breath, then gently pushed the door open and walked in. the students looked at me with a surprise, and found that i walked in with a smile.

since i have to put on a long face of no avail, encourage yourself with a smile. i want to look at the side of the students appreciate the vision, i would eagerly look forward to embrace those problems, when the problem is i 11 when i heard myself smoothly done or easily solved, a little laughter.

篇19: 高一英语周记800字

students, unaware of the past two months, what does this mean? it means that the mid-term exam is coming. are everyone ready? do you feel that time is too fast, and i havent got ready for the mid-term exam? yes, i feel the same.

we are going to have a mid-term exam next week, so we cant play any more, or youll be late when you regret it. we should intensify our review, but we should not be too nervous to take full rest. because your brain has been in a very tired state, and can no longer let it continue to fatigue. otherwise, excessive fatigue will lead to listless and no spirit in exams.

we also need to adjust our state and study attitude in time, which is very helpful to our future study. first of all, you must want to learn, you just want to learn, you dont have to keep looking at the textbook and you can learn and master it all. as long as you dont want to learn, even if the teacher can tell you how to teach you, you will never do the method and skill in the end. we should think of ourselves as the master of learning, and to roam in the sea of knowledge. learning is the world of our students. learning is the stage of our students. we can think about it. in the same way, we have to find this feeling in our study.

as long as we master the words and phrases of basic knowledge, we can get the exact answer as long as we think differently. the composition, first ensure clear font specification, no typos. i want to think about how to write this article, concise language, clear description, proper use of rhetorical devices and detailed description. i think this composition score will not be low. mathematics makes the formula clear and calculates a little bit carefully so that it can also be scored high.

the mid-term exam is the first important examination that we have entered junior high school. we must strive to achieve excellent results. we must prove our strength through excellent results and make others look up to us.

篇20: 高一英语周记800字

the report card was sent down today. i thought it would be a good test. but, you see, all three subjects had more than 80 points. i was so surprised that i was at a loss.

back home, i didnt even tell my parents about my own grades. i had to rethink myself in the room. is it my own belief that every exam is excellent, so proud? is it that no one is reviewing before the exam? is it my attitude to learning?

no, it isnt. after my reflection, i know: before the test, should be refreshed and calm deep breathing exercises. in the exam, should stabilize the emotions, to the clear meaning, to evade the crucial point. when the problem is difficult to write first, first write what you will write, so save time. to learn to use reasoning skillfully and to use formula reasoning methods, it is not easy to make mistakes. after examination, never answer the answer to others. you should use the memory method of location plus association. the highest score of your test may reach 98 points, and the lowest score is more than 80 points.

yes, if i do in accordance with the above requirements, i can not be able to do well? if i work hard to learn, will it be sad in the future?

no, i cant, i decide to start all over again. i wont quit. after this reflection, i understand that the best honor is to work hard on my own hard work.

篇21: 高一英语周记800字

during the winter vacation, a lot of pleasant things happened, and many interesting things happened, and many unforgettable things happened...... what im talking about today is a thought-provoking thing.

on that day, the weather is very cold, the sky floated on the ground like large snowflakes, covered with a thick layer of snow blankets, the whole white world, my mother and i was still in high spirits, ready to go play in the snow. walking to the cross street, i saw a crowd of people watching, and ran quickly to see what was happening.

it turned out to be an old man selling cabbages at the street corner. look at his age, but also difficult to pick two baskets of green cabbage sell, so poor yo! i saw the chinese cabbage covered with a layer of snow! he picked a cabbage, three were either industrial and commercial bureau or chengguanju uncle found out, he also shouted, pushing and bumping, ordered him to leave immediately, dont mess everywhere selling vegetables, which affected the traffic order.

i turned to my mother and said, “why are they so cruel to the old man?” wouldnt they be old by themselves?“ mom didnt answer my question in a positive way, just sigh, and we went away. on the road, my mood can not be calm for a long time.

”why cant everyone give a little love, more tolerance, more love?“ if everyone is more loving, will not this society be more full of warmth?

篇22: 高一英语周记800字

when we are very small, most of the teachers have asked us the question of what do you want to be in the future, then we will think about the future career. “i want to be a scientist, or i want to be a policeman” are given by students. indeed, the career they want to work on will make great contribution to society and they are great people.

while some ordinary jobs have been ignored by most people, such as cleaners. they beautify the city by doing the hard work. they look ordinary but actually they are not ordinary. take my mother for example. she is a housewife, and she takes care of the house chores.

it is not easy at all. she is so great for doing the same work everyday without complaining. every job should be respected.

篇23: 高一英语周记800字

for a long time, finally look forward to winter vacation, a bumper thirty table table delicacies from land and sea that is a happy, ah! look at the pile of standing in front of you, you have to see the new year waving to you! and looked on, not as hard to write it!

okay! let students work aside, the winter vacation homework, the additional content is very important - new year! you see, the sky is under a light rain, but the streets are still huge crowds of people, those who ”fireworks, antithetical couplet, looted, you see, the traders clutching a lingchao that is to plug the bag! bag and the poor seems to have not eat, mouth. the supermarket is open grilled nest, candy, nuts, in short, all the goods were sold special purchases for the spring festival.

the new years eve fireworks in the sky, flowers bloom, the people at the table, chat, send blessings, what children, playing, put a small cannon, everything is so harmonious, s troubles have left behind, everyone was laughing happily!

the dinner on new years eve, finally began, a plate of dumplings on the table, everyone began to eat dumplings! eating, my mouth and spit out a steel beng, , you bless me?

after dinner, a table playing mahjong, a table arch cattle, a group of people gathered together to watch the spring festival gala, unconsciously, everyone fell asleep peacefully

篇24: 高一英语周记800字

i think everyone should try to be a parent for the day! i also tried to be a parent for a day, and it was hard to be a family leader.

in the winter vacation, one day, my mother and sister were not at home, leaving only me and dad at home. dad was sleeping in the room. i was doing my homework in the room. it was 9:30. i came out of the room and thought that there was only dad and me in my family. so let me be a parent for a day. anyway, i do this job. i picked up the broom to sweep the floor, saowan hall will sweep the kitchen, dining room and kitchen saowan sweep, and then sweep the room and corridor, swept the floor already after eleven, he had eleven points, leaving cook 40 minutes, also can watch tv for a while, look at look, its time to cook, though it is not willing to leave the tv, but to prepare cooking materials. ,

start cooking, look at the usual mother cooking seems very simple, but the original to do it is a bit difficult. first i washed the rice, add some water to it, and then add some meat in power. then the soup. because the soup last night, so as long as the switch can, in the soup can go during cooking, dishes cooked, rice and soup can also be. its a simple meal again.

it turns out that everyone will try and try hard, even if they fail, they can continue to work hard and try to succeed. many scientists are also successful in their attempts.

